Sunday, October 23, 2011

Obesity Trending - More than 35% of Americans are Overweight!

Obesity is trending.  Americans--35.8% of us--are overweight!

In a recent Gallup/Healthways poll, "researchers randomly telephoned more than 90,000 Americans between July 1st - Sept. 30, 2011. The pollsters asked about their height and weight to determine body mass index (BMI), as well as age, gender, ethnicity, education, and income. BMI values of 30 or higher are classified as "obese," 25.0 to 29.9 are "overweight," 18.5 to 24.9 are "normal weight," and 18.4 or less are "underweight."  

The states with the highest rate of obesity include Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kentucky, Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama, Missouri, Tennessee, West Virginia, South Carolina, Mississippi, and Michigan.  In a supplemental study titled Healthy Americans Report, it was revealed that, “The obesity epidemic continues to be most dramatic in the South, which includes nine of the 10 states with the highest adult obesity rates. States in the Northeast and West tend to have lower rates. Mississippi maintained the highest adult obesity rate for the seventh year in a row, and Colorado has the lowest obesity rate and is the only state with a rate under 20 percent."

Is obesity trending in your life? If so, it's time to make a change!

As a recovered addict, I can honestly say that I have never forgotten how desperate and lonely I felt when my life (and addiction) was so completely out-of-control.  I even became suicidal.  I just didn’t know where to turn.  But when I finally admitted to others (and myself) that I needed help, my life immediately began to change for good! I know have over 33 years of sobriety! 
Because I deeply understood the overwhelming pain and shame that occurs when one or more areas of your life is out-of-control, I became a certified life coach and fitness instructor to help others who struggle with addiction to food or alcohol. Since 2004, I have come alongside over 600 people who have also realized that they need to improve their health, not only for themselves, but for the sake of their family members who depend on them.  
Most importantly, I know the boost that happens when you get a second chance to start over and actually experience immediate change.  That is why I developed the "Little Changes Big Results® 60-Day Starting Over" Program.  As a "change coach," I begin by educating men and women on healthy eating (at home, at work, on the road, or at the office) and teaching them the importance of planning ahead.  Next, I provide my coachees with a daily, doable workout plan that includes short, 5 to 15 minute routines that starts with breathing and ends with stretching.  My coachees are required to send a daily food log to me so there is no room for a big relapse.  Finally, I offer regular, empathetic and encouraging accountability through phone coaching. It works--it really works!  (To read two "big results" success stories, click here.)
If you are stuck or need to start over, let me help you make “little changes” in every area of your life so that you can experience the “big results” of renewed health and self-respect!  
For more information, email or visit
Be encouraged,

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