Sunday, August 16, 2009

Second Chances

This week, Michael Vick, former Atlanta Falcons quarterback who lost everything after serving a two year prison sentence for running an illegal dog-fighting ring has been given a second chance. Not only has he been hired by the Philadelphia Eagles, but he's been given a strong mentor in the author of Quiet Strength and former coach, Tony Dungy, who has been assigned to guide Vick through re-entry back into work and life.

Having served jail time and along with continued and required community service, a majority of people (reporters, citizens, coaches and athletes) agree that Vick deserves an opportunity to start over.

I can honestly say that there is nothing more "life changing" than being given a second chance.

When you don't deserve people's forgiveness, when you've hurt everyone you love, when you've lost everything, changing your life seems impossible. But it's not. You may not have money or friends or family, but you have time. You have time, every single day to (1) learn something new--a foreign language, a trade, a skill, (2) to make amends with those you've hurt, (3) to come under the mentorship of a strong leader, and (4) to pray.

I'm a firm believer that big results are achievable when you make little changes--one day at a time. You get sober one day at a time. You stay married one day at a time. You can only exercise one day at a time. You get closer to the people you love one day at a time.

If you need a second chance, if you feel overwhelmed, or if you need to start over, don't wait another day. Get on your knees today and ask God to help you. I can vouch for Him; He is a God of second chances...

Be encouraged,



  1. Thank you, Becky Tirabassi!! He is indeed a God of second chances. How timely!! There was much FB discussion this weekend about the Michael Vick situation so I very much appreciate your timely perspective. Sharing the link to your columns with FB friends and family, old classmates, a HS teacher ~ so they may share in your perspective on life. Thanks for being faithful to this column, even when you're injured and could be on the bench!! <3

  2. LOL--I was a bit groggy as I originally posted the Atlanta Braves when I meant Falcons; thanks to a friend who caught my mistake, the blog is accurate. That said, I hope to write often about sports and life--they intersect everyday. So many lessons to learn and share. Plus, being from Ohio, I "get" passion for baseball, football, golf, swimming...

    Yes, please pass it on...

  3. its good to remember -allow people to have a chance to make a change--

  4. Thanks Becky! I have been recovering from Pancrais cancer as of Feb/09, and I only have three more chemo treatments to go!It's been a very long journey and I will be getting more physical @ I'm finished w/treatments.I'm so tired of being tired,I would love for you to come pay me a visit and get me started on a walking routine!!I wished you lived nearer to me,Well going to go to sleep and I hope to hear from you soon,Love,Denise Henry CedarFalls,IOWA

  5. Denise, believe it or not, I've been to Cedar Falls a few times I think! Perhaps we met? I'll pray for you right're almost to the finish line. If I come through IA again, let's be sure to meet. Becky

  6. Hi Becky, I agree that it is important for people to get second chances. The question that I wish someone would ask Michael Vick is "are you sorry for what you did or that you got caught?" I am such a dog lover and to hear what he said he did to those animals just breaks my heart. Yes he deserves the right to make a living but what I don't understand is this, Pete Rose was banned from baseball and ever getting into the hall of fame for gambling, Michael Vick was convicted of a felony and he is back in the NFL making a couple million dollars. Things just don't seem quite right here!
    Thank you for the opportunity to voice my opinion! I love what you do, keep on keeping on! I met you when you were in OKC, OK at the Women of Faith conference several years ago. Do you plan to come to OK anytime soon?
    All he best,

  7. How long, Oh God, how long? Before you answer the prayer to be given a second chance. If anyone out there reads this please pray that my family will be healed, reconciled and bound together in peace and love and I will be given a second chance.

  8. A second chance? Maybe that's what I'm thinking about. I'm almost 42. I've been a Christian since a teen and labeled a "goody two shoes" all my life. Why would I need a second chance? I've been married 15 years and my husband is not the same man I married. He's had affairs constantly. We've had a marriage in name only for many many years - by his choice not mine. We have one child. Not many people know my true situation, but the few who do have urged me to just walk away. And I can't bring myself to do that. Maybe I'm wrong. What I do know is that I have a deep longing to be fulfilled to have a purposeful life to make a difference. Is 42 to old? How do you go about making changes like that when there are limitations? I don't have extra money - my husband controls literally everything - I can't change jobs and the choice to walk away from my marriage doesn't seem the right one. Is there any hope?
