Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Loyal, Royal Wedding--I couldn't resist...

As a woman, wife, and mom, I just can’t resist writing about the royal wedding of this past week. Though I was out of town for most of the week on business, I awoke on Friday morning at home and my first thought (being on the west coast) was, “I want to see her dress!”

Weddings are a consistent theme in the life of the Tirabassi’s! Roger, my husband, is a pre-marital pastor at one of the largest churches in our area—with a huge population of under-30’s, all of whom are in that stage of life where they would love to find their soul mate! In fact, he leads “Seriously Dating or Engaged” classes for 100’s of couples every quarter in southern California, using the materials he has developed in over two decades of counseling and marrying couples!

This royal wedding was a stellar specimen of all the time, energy, and family interaction it takes to lead up to the ceremony of holy matrimony, not to mention the plethora of details and decisions that will consume the hours, days and months before the actual wedding day.

That is why Roger (and our church) requires a couple to receive Seriously Dating or Engaged Pre-marital training or counseling before they walk down the aisle! (Click here to listen to our interview on Dr. Laura’s Show regarding Roger's classes and workbook.)

Those of us who have been married AT LEAST ONE WEEK will be the first to tell you that marriage has a unique way of changing things! What you thought was funny or cute about your spouse before marriage, often becomes a little irritating or frustrating after marriage! That’s why taking a personality profile, learning communication skills and drills, preparing a couple’s budget and discussing family of origin can be SO helpful to newlyweds! It gives couples sound, proven tools for navigating their first big argument or disappointment.

This royal wedding reminded the world that a wedding is sacred. It is a commitment made in front of God and others. It is and has been called “holy matrimony” for many centuries.

Here is my “little changes, big results” challenge to you after enjoying this week’s royal wedding:

Today, if you’re married, why not renew your wedding vows in front of God and others? "I, ___, take thee, ___, to be my wedded husband/wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith/myself to you."

Today, if you’re seriously dating or engaged, I encourage you to attend a pre-marital course or ask a mentor couple to take you through a workbook such as Seriously Dating or Engaged. Remember, statistics show that between 15-20% of engaged couples don’t get married—and that’s okay! It’s better to do the (sometimes) difficult “couples” work before marriage than to find out after marriage how unresolved differences can be destructive.

Announcement: beginning May 2nd, between 1:30 and 2 pm PST DAILY, you can ask Roger or me a question--LIVE--on air in San Diego or online at -- listen in and call-in at 866.577.2473 or Tweet us and Facebook us BeckyTirabassi. We'll take your calls and questions on all things to do with relationships: marriage, dating, parenting, etc.

Be encouraged,


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