Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Little Criticism Can Have Big Results...

Just as little steps in the right direction eventually lead to success, continuous steps in the wrong direction will undermine your faith, sabotage your fitness goals, or destroy your relationships. In other words, a little disrespect, a little dig, or a little demeaning glare—over time—will have big results: huge problems, great barriers, and deeply wounded souls.

My husband, Roger, is a relationship counselor.

He often comes home from a day’s work with an overwhelming sense that many people take their closest relationships for granted, often wounding each other with words of criticism or accusation. Rather than speaking words of affirmation to the ones they love, their words unload cutting remarks, deflate confidence or demean character.

Instead of growing stronger, relationships—families and marriages—are being torn apart by the very people who should be their advocate or friend.

WHY do we hurt the people we love? Sometimes we don’t realize we’re hurting someone. Other times we’re admittedly intentional with our daggers. But most often we’re operating out of selfishness or impulsivity. Unfortunately, a great deal of damage can result from continued criticism.

What can you do to reverse the trend of little digs, glares, and criticisms?

It’s simple. Stop. Control your anger—or get help controlling your anger. Ask for forgiveness. And keep asking until you are forgiven. Then start giving affirmations and affection, hugs and encouragement before you do or say anything else.

That’s right. Just stop, turn, and go the other way. It could save your relationship endless hours, days, or maybe even weeks of heartache.

Be encouraged,



  1. Thank your husband for his efforts in helping hurting marriages and people. We get caught up in the emotional moments and forget the big picture. Whenever I go to a wedding I am always moved by the vows the couples give each other when they are madly in love with each other. We need to remember those vows and act in love towards each other. I think Satan has decided to attack marriages and relationships to ruin our testimonies and fellowship. Thanks for your reminder to stay strong, to stay in love with the Lord and our family and friends.

  2. Just wanted to say that when one has a 'rude awakening' how blessed they are if they can do that immediately ..Stop. Ask forgiveness, give affirmations and encouragements... stop, turn, and go the other way. For some it is not so easy. It may their instinct to be 'right' at a time when the opposite is what's needed. I was a blessed one...and I don't ever want to go back to living with the brick in my chest left behind from working so hard to make sure things were 'just & fair'. The brick was made of resentment, anger and bitterness. And my health tells the story. In love with my husband seemingly overnight...thank God for the 'rude awakening'.
