Sunday, April 3, 2011

Take the Family Dinner Challenge!

"More than a decade of research at The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University has consistently found that the more often children have dinner with their parents, the less likely they are to smoke, drink or use drugs. Simply put: Dinner makes a difference."

If you have kids, you owe it to yourself to take a quick view of this study and survey...

Here is what you'll find…

1. Why don’t more families eat dinner together if it has such a positive and powerful effect on the kids?

Families surveyed who don’t eat dinner together say they are just TOO BUSY with work, sports, or different activities.

2. What gets in the way when families do sit down to dinner?

Electronic distractions—cell phones and blackberries and computers.

3. How long does a family dinner usually last when they do sit down together?

The average family actually spent about 30 minutes together at the table—otherwise they ate alone or with friends.

4. What other benefits occurred as a result of a family eating dinner together?

Teens were more likely to attend weekly religious services and had an easier time talking to their moms and dads if they ate dinner regularly with their parents.

This is an easy-to-understand, insightful study that gives FREE ADVICE to parents:

Make a few little changes in your family life--turn off the electronics and have dinner together each night--and reap the following big results: kids who are more likely to get better grades and less likely to smoke, use drugs or drink alcohol!

What are you waiting for? Click here to watch how one Ohio family recently took a two-week challenge to have dinner nightly with their family!

Let me know if you're up for the challenge!

Be encouraged,


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