Saturday, March 5, 2011

Benefits of Vacation!

We all need a get-away from work and since I have been traveling and speaking for a number of weeks, I am taking a writing break this week! But rather than leave you without an encouraging word, I found a short article by a corporate comedian on the five benefits of vacation that reminded me that you only need to make a few little changes -- like shutting off the cell phone, not opening your email, or taking a day trip to a museum or zoo or vista point in your area, even for just an hour or two-- to get the following big results:

1. Live Longer
2. Be Happier
3. Improve Sleep
4. Improve Productivity
5. Solve Problems

Please, if you need a getaway from stress, pressure, or other problems that are out of your control, take a stay-cation (even for a few hours or a half of a day) and enjoy some of these benefits!

Be encouraged,


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