Sunday, February 20, 2011

Teens Drink for Free!

Of the 709,000 12-14 year olds who drink in America, almost half of them either drink at home or get their alcohol from home (as reported in a recent SAMHSA study). And 94% of those kids get their liquor for free. Most shocking, of the 12-14 year olds surveyed, almost 16% of them were given the alcohol by their parent or guardian!

Outside of the sad fact that the average age of kids experimenting with drugs and alcohol is getting lower and lower, the rest of the report shouldn’t shock you, because if you were a teenager in the last 40 years…

You or your friends probably drank while underage,

You or someone you knew probably drank while driving,

You or your friends probably drank your parent’s liquor while they were out,

You probably went to a party where a “kegger” was supplied by the parents,

You or your friends probably drank to be popular,

You or your friends drank because you felt insecure, or

You or a friend drank more than everyone else because a parent or grandparent was an alcoholic.

Years ago, there weren’t many studies that revealed the truth about teens and alcohol: the increased number of kids who dropped out of school because they drank, or the higher number of alcohol-related criminal arrests and sexual assaults, or the percentage of teens who were diagnosed as alcoholics. But when the statistics of kids who drank and drove and killed innocent people was made public, and when 1000's of teenagers from every community were being repeatedly admitted to treatment centers, and when the majority of sexual assaults on college campuses could be linked to alcohol abuse, more and more families, schools, and communities started talking about the reality of the problem in America.

For many years, I have been an advocate of the prevention of underage drinking. And frankly, sometimes I feel as if I am in the minority! So, I'd like to ask you to join me.

Would you consider making a few little changes in your life, in order to see the big results of teens who complete their education, aren’t involved in drunk-driving accidents, and don’t get caught up in vandalism, unplanned sex, or alcohol-related injuries and illnesses? I promise, it's worth the fight!

Here is how YOU can prevent underage drinking:

1. BE AWARE of the first signs of Alcohol Use and Abuse:
* Grades lower, friends change, alcohol-related habits occur (such as smoking), attitude and mood gets darker.

* Talk about family genetics, role play uncomfortable situations, discuss how they feel and think about alcohol, parties, and what might “trigger" them to drink (ex: shy, bored, homesick, peer pressure).

* Get creative and arrange fun, social gatherings with themes, activities, movies and sports/games, provide alternative vacation/holiday options, and never be without a variety of weekend activities that give your kids and their friends something to do (such as bowling).

If you don’t make these little changes, kids' social choices will most likely involve drinking.

Please don’t be shocked or naive. Be proactive.

Be encouraged!


P. S. If you have a tween or teen or an under 21-er, dig a little deeper and read the following articles from these outlets:
Health News Daily


SAMHSA News Advisory

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