Sunday, January 16, 2011

4 Little Changes, 4 (or more) Big Results

Every few months, I like to remind you that you can change every area of your life--today! You don't have to wait a month or a year to see immediate and big results. You just have to be willing to make little changes--like the ones I've suggested below:

PHYSICALLY: The statistics don’t lie. We are a nation that is fat…and getting fatter. Most likely, you are all in a relationship with someone who is obese or has diabetes (unless of course, you suffer from it yourself).

Doctors admit that the first and best course of action to take in order to reverse obesity and diabetes is to lose just a LITTLE weight. Studies repeatedly conclude that weight loss, even a little, can immediately reduce the various health risks attached to extra, unwanted pounds.

Here's one little change that will have a big result: Eliminate soda (or other sugary drinks) from your diet for one month. I call it SODABRIETY. If you eliminate all soda (note: there are 250 calories per 12 ounce can x 2 cans a day = about 500 calories), you have the potential to lose one pound (3500 calories) a week! Yes, ONE POUND A WEEK, just by eliminating soda! (Just imagine what might happen if you add a little exercise and cut back on fried or fatty foods?)

Are you in? SODABRIETY for one month?

EMOTIONALLY: I live with a counselor. He works primarily with Seriously Dating, Pre-Married, and Married Couples. That means we have to practice what he (just kidding) preaches!

Is there one little change you can make today that will immediately improve your most important relationship and allow you to experience a big result? Yes! Develop an anger diffusing statement. All couples disagree. Anger is inevitable. So, since you know it’s coming—but because you don’t know when—if you have an agreed upon “statement” to use when either of you feels out-of-control, it can bring immediate calm and reduce the risk of impulsively hurting someone you love. Try it. Brainstorm just one phrase that would signal a "time-out" to your partner. What's our statement? When I start to bug Roger, he says, “Fiesty.” When he says it, he makes me laugh. That's a big result! Rather than end up in a blow up, he is signaling to me that he is getting frustrated and doesn’t want to get angry. We just "back off" the discussion for a few minutes and start over when calm. Try it!

(Roger is hosting two couples’ events in Costa Mesa, Ca. To register for the 5 Week Seriously Dating or Engaged Workshop beginning January 22, 2011, call 714.384.0914 or email and a Compelling Marriage Conference on February 11-12.)

SPIRITUALLY: Almost twenty-seven years ago, I needed help to grow spiritually. Spiritual growth, for me, isn’t mystical. It’s practical. I made one little change in my daily routine in February of 1984 and I believe it has impacted every area of my life! I committed to reading a 365-Day Bible, from cover to cover, in just 15 minutes a day, one day at a time. Have I seen a big result? I have stayed married for over 3 decades. I’ve raised a great son who desires to make a difference in this world. And I’ve fulfilled my passions of becoming an author, speaker, and fitness instructor. I'd say that's big! What do you think; worth a try?

MENTALLY: Most everyone feels the pressure to get more organized, accomplish more, earn more money, feel less stressed, lose weight, or get out of debt. But none of those things can happen overnight. They happen over time—one day at a time. In my life coaching practice, I encourage my coach-ees to spend at least 10 minutes a day planning: 4 minutes when you get up to look at the day’s “to-do’s”, 2 minutes around noon time to make any adjustments, and 4 minutes at day’s end to review the day and transfer (to tomorrow) any unfinished business. W. Clement Stone said, “If you fail to plan you plan to fail.” Give yourself the gift of daily planning: 10 minutes with your calendar and to-do list. What’s the big result? Peace and productivity! Who doesn’t want that?

Be encouraged to make 4 little changes in 2011 and get the big results of peace, productivity, passion, and purpose.


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