Sunday, November 14, 2010

Back Pain--how much is stress related?

Did you know that back pain is the second leading reason (next to the common cold) that people visit their doctor’s office?

Though back pain is often caused by a trauma, millions of Americans also suffer from disks that get out of whack, pinching nerves that trigger pain in their lower backs, limbs, necks or shoulders—whether they are heavy lifters or constant sitters!

In the November 2010 issue of Vogue Magazine, Robert Sullivan, a back pain sufferer, shared the following statistic; “Americans spent $30 billion on back pain in 2007, the year of the most recent government survey, double what they spent a decade earlier.” With three of my family members experiencing similar symptoms—numbness in arms, excruciating lower back pain, and spontaneous spasms—I was most intrigued with the aspects of his article that were profoundly straightforward.

Though Sullivan’s hunt for help took him to a myriad of surgeon's, physical therapist's, and psychologist's offices, two little changes were illuminated that brought big results to him and could be helpful to anyone who implemented them:

1. Posture matters! Whether you are lifting or sitting, all major joints should be at a 90-degree angle (elbows, knees, ankles). Attention to this rule protects your spine and lower back.

2. Physical therapy or massages provide stress release, not just pain relief! Jay Hunt, clinic supervisor at Madison Physical & Occupational Therapy in NYC commenting on the relaxation effect of therapy said, “For some people, if they have 45 minutes each week with no meetings, no cell phones, no texting—this is it.” Sullivan also interviewed Dr. John E. Sarno, author of Healing Back Pain: The Body-Mind Connection who added, “The brain is very clever. The pain is a reaction to the stresses in people’s lives and in their own personalities.”

If you struggle with back pain, making these little changes can protect your back, relieve your stress, and potentially save you money!

Be encouraged,


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