Sunday, August 22, 2010

An Amazing Last Act by Cubs Coach...

Chicago Cubs coach, Lou Piniella, unexpectedly retired today—after decades in baseball. In an emotional departure from Major League Baseball, he gave his team an abrupt notice that he would be leaving his post—and not because of controversy or contract disputes. Piniella’s mother, who lives in Florida, has been very ill. After missing four days of coaching this month and already contemplating an end-of-season retirement, Lou felt it was not helpful to the team or his family to wait any longer, saying, "My mom needs me home and that's where I'm going."

Not considered by most sports writers or fans as a sensitive leader or compassionate coach, Piniella was more often recognized as a competitive and hotheaded MLB manager because of his crazy antics and irate outbursts from the dugout.

Piniella's departure caught my attention for this reason: rarely does anyone leave a high profile position, much less resign from a successful and public career to return home to take care of an ailing parent, child or spouse.

Lou’s raw emotion today, his strong commitment to family, as well as the obvious love he has for his mother is perhaps one of the finest moments of his career.

Whether you are a coach, a parent, a son or a daughter, sibling or spouse, you are a leader whose actions speak louder than words. Consider today what little changes you might make in your work life that will impact your family life. I am confident you will not only see big results, but you leave a lasting legacy.

Be encouraged,


1 comment:

  1. I know another man with such a commitment...I'm married to him. HIs name, Jim Bennett. He turned down a coaching contract with the San Francisco Giants because he knew he needed to stay home with his son. As a result, he has stayed home for the last two years, giving up what he loves to do, to spend time with his son whom he loves far more than his coaching career. He was able to coach his son through his critical high school years and what an incredible young man our son has grown into! God knew what our son needed and Jim was obedient to the call. Now that boy is a young man who has recently gone off to play Division One baseball as a freshman!

    More than anything, our son is ready because he is rooted in his faith...inspired and lead by his best friend, his dad! Talk about a lasting legacy! Praise God!
