Sunday, March 7, 2010

Fat and sugar -- you're on notice!

A recent University of California San Francisco study claims that the excess sugar in soda pop is responsible for 1000’s of deaths over the last decade. Citing the addictive nature of soda, new and damaging information was presented at the recent American Heart Association’s 50th Annual Conference.

Also this week, the FDA put 17 food companies on notice for lying to consumers about food contents on labels. The recent ABCNews report focused on labels that boasted of “no trans-fats” yet failed to mention the product also contained other unhealthy fats, as well as 100% juice products not necessarily containing only juice.

What little changes can you make that will have immediate and big results in your overall health?

Don’t drink calories! A can of soda is approximately 150 calories and loaded with sugar! If you drink 4 cans of pop each day, you’ve added over 3500 calories (one pound) to your diet each week! Instead, drink water or unsweetened tea with a slice of lime, lemon, or cucumber! And try the non-chemical, non-sugar sweetener called Stevia—found in most grocery stores.

Get back to the basics of eating whole foods (rather than processed). Whenever possible, choose organic and local produce (which usually contain fewer pesticides and chemicals), rather than packaged, frozen or dried foods. Educate yourself on the content of fat, sugar and calories in the foods you like and make adjustments if necessary. In addition, try cooking at home more often and only eat at restaurants that have healthy options such as non-fried items, low-sugar substitutes, or wild caught versus farm-raised fish.

Finally, eating more healthy does not have to cost you more money!

1. Eat smaller portions and split entrees. Wrap up extra portions and take food home to enjoy the next day for lunch.
2. Eat at home more. Prepare a list for the grocery store, rather than shopping impulsively or when hungry.
3. Research restaurant options that serve organic, local, and fresh options.
4. Pack healthy meals and snacks for travel or work.

You can do it--put fat and sugar on notice in your life and reap the benefits!

Be encouraged,



  1. Stevia is a wonderful addition to your eating plan and a great substitution to sugar.


  2. I watched this movie after seeing Oprah's segment the other day, while I have always purchased our meat, poultry and seafood from whole foods, I was still sickened by this movie. I do not want to become a vegetarian and will continue to purchase our meats & dairy from Wholefoods BUT I am going to cut out any and all processed foods from our diets and household. America needs to wake up, cheap does not equal good for you!
