Sunday, February 7, 2010

Undercover Boss -- You Don't Want to Miss it...

Tears are in my eyes as I write this…and it wasn’t because the Colts lost the Super Bowl!

If you didn’t happen to stay on the same channel after the Super Bowl and watch a new “reality” show called Undercover Boss, I hope you'll watch it next week!

It is inspirational.
It is empowering.
It is emotional.
It is eye opening.

In fact, it was even more exciting than the Super Bowl because it was more than a game; it was a compelling tale about the real lives of average men and women!

This week’s episode featured the COO of Waste Management (WM), a national company that recycles waste. He went undercover and pretended to be an entry-level employee in a number of the WM facilities.

Each vignette revealed the dynamics of how upper and middle management interact with their employees including:

(1) how some managers unfairly overwork or poorly treat their employees,
(2) what it feels like to get fired,
(3) the level of personality that each person brings into their job, and
(4) the “back story”—including health issues—that each person brings to the workplace.

Besides being extremely motivational and touching, Undercover Boss positively focused on how little changes in the workplace can have big results!

Especially because it was the COO who uncovered how many of the demands of management and how the pressure to be productive negatively impacted employee morale, he immediately implemented new procedures. And though they were little changes, such as ending the way hourly employees were docked for being a few minutes late or starting a task force to determine how WM can become a more “female friendly” company, it immediately increased company morale. (If you missed the first episode, click here to catch some of Waste Management segments.)

How might Undercover Boss change your life?

First, if you willingly put yourself in someone else’s shoes, even for just one day, you will experience life differently—and probably be better for it. Second, implementing little changes to make another person’s life better when it is in your power to do so will have big, far-reaching results!

Be encouraged,


1 comment:

  1. I came here looking for a way to tell you that three years ago - you were my Valentine's gift (from the Lord.) I heard you speak on Midday Connection on Valentine's - I'm pretty sure it's been three years! That's when I learned how to really stick to a quiet time - I haven't always been faithful but it has been such a difference. The icing on the cake is that we are seeing so many answers to prayer - kids changing, our church becoming dynamic, Christ centered and spirit filled, our marriage deepening and I've recently been delivered from "Egypt" and have come HOME (my job was eliminated - whoo hoo!)
