Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sleep--A "Must" for a long, healthy life!

JJ Virgin, President of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals, in a recent article posted on, suggests 5 Habits to Break Before It’s Too Late.

Beside the other NO-NO’s such as skipping breakfast, blowing off exercise, eating at night, or not counting the calories you drink, one of the most important lifestyle choices you can make is to get enough sleep!

How much is enough sleep? JJ concludes that “studies show a minimum of seven to nine hours of uninterrupted sleep (at night) are essential for health.”

Do you get seven to nine hours of sleep?

Unless you fight for it, make it a priority, or are convinced that sleep is extremely important to your overall health and wellness, the average person will most likely allow sleep to be one of the habits that gets overlooked and underestimated.

Maybe you’ve never considered the significant benefits of sleep? First of all, when you sleep your body repairs and heals itself. Additionally, sleep impacts healthy weight management. (Sleep experts Michael Breus, Ph.D. and Steven Lamm, M.D suggest that you can lose weight in your sleep without even changing your diet.) And these are just two of the many reasons why it is important to jealously guard the amount of sleep you get each night.

Can you change your sleep habits immediately?

Even little changes can lead to big results:

Each morning, plan your bedtime when you awake. Take into consideration each day's work or travel schedule and personal activities, including workouts and meals, then set your bedtime—even set your alarm time for the next day. A few hours before your pre-determined bedtime, set the mood for sleeping by turning off your computer, television, and telephone. Wind down by reading enjoyable material (not business-related or anxiety-producing fiction), or take a hot bath and drink a cup of herbal tea. And as an extra precaution have no caffeine or alcohol within three hours of bedtime.

Try these suggestions for 30 days…keeping a sleep log by your bed to record how you are going to get seven to nine hours of sleep each night. I know you'll feel better and maybe even lose a little weight--in your sleep!

Be encouraged,



  1. I read that article too just a couple days ago :) I thought it was very helpful and brought up good points. And once you've done the planning like you've suggested I'm sure that it won't be too difficult to let your body get that rest after a short time. Thanks!

  2. I like your blog and the way that you have a non-profit set up to help others as well. I connected to you through another blog. This is a great idea little changes big results... it reminds me of things like "the slight edge" or the question of

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